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Rumpus Theatre Company presents

The devilishly funny farce

The Comedy of Terrors!

by John Goodrum


The Comedy of Terrors


When Jo Smith arrives for an audition with director Vyvian Jones, it turns out she’s
actually been invited to the theatre by Vyvian's twin brother Beverley, who wants
her to impersonate her own twin sister Fiona, to persuade Vyvian that Beverley
hasn’t had a fling with Fiona ... he has, but doesn't want Vyvian to tell his fiancee
Cheryl! And when the real Fiona turns up, not to mention Vyvian (a member of the
local Sons of Satan Association, who wants to use Jo for his first human sacrifice)
and Beverley and Vyvian’s identical triplet policeman brother, the stage is well and
truly set for a fast-moving madcap comedy of multiple mistaken identity.


Tour Schedule (more dates to follow)

(click on venue for their website)
Fri 25 Oct
Quay Theatre Sudbury
Sat 26 Oct
Old Town Hall Arts Centre Hemel Hempstead
Sun 27 Oct
Wed 30 Oct
Thu 31 Oct
Sat 2 Nov
Beccles Town Hall
Thu 7 - Sat 9 Nov
Mon 11 Nov
Thu 14 Nov
Sat 22 Feb
Guildhall Arts Centre Grantham
Thu 6 March
Trinity Theatre Tunbridge Wells
Tues 29 April
Theatre Royal Winchester
Tues 20 May
Shanklin Theatre



“a farcical and hilarious couple of hours ... fabulous!” (Bracknell News)

“If you haven’t seen it, do. If you have, see it again; it’s just as funny and ingenious
the second time around. I was worn out with laughing by the end ...
written under the influence of happy juice!”
(Derbyshire Times)





Rumpus Theatre Company presents

A spine-tingling whodunnit

The Ripper Files!

based on the world's most famous case


The Ripper Files


Inspector Lestrange is up to his neck in evidence ...

... but there’s one fact only the Ripper himself will know ...


CHARLES WILLIAM LESTRANGE was a newly promoted Detective Inspector in the Metropolitan Police, just transferred to H Division in Whitechapel, when the THE AUTUMN OF TERROR, as it came to be known, reached its grizzly height.

Now, thirteen years later, and ably assisted by SAMUEL EDWARDS, formerly Detective Constable Edwards of H Division, and Samuel Edward’s “close friend” Miss ELSIE FORDHAM, rising star of the music hall stage, Lestrange rehearses again for your titillation and delight the ghoulish events in Victorian Whitechapel which have been a source of universal fascination since the 1880’s ...

2025 tour dates to be announced

“a rumbustious and highly enjoyable production, which has the audience chuckling, oohing, and literally gasping at the end, with the final clever twist of the knife ... a darkly comic little masterpiece ... highly recommended" (Migrant Press)

“An unexpectedly chilling climax finished off a fine piece of theatre” (



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